domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

About a Study in Scarlet

Well since I feel like writing and I don't have nothig to write just now I will do a bit of a small prejudiced review of A Study in Scarlet...

I found it to be a incredible book, the only time I had read something of Conan Doyle I was younger and less mature and had hated it... I can't remember the books name. But well because of the mild-hype of Holmes caused by the movie, I once seeing the Complete Sherlock Holmes by Penguin at a bookstore thought it might be a good time to give Holmes another chance. So I began reading and there I found myself enthranced by Dr.Wattson so well introduced and the first mistery wich is who after all is Sherlock Holmes? Why Wattson might not want to share a room with him? Even knowing some things about Holmes from popular culture he's a mistery, at the books beggining, I would like to note that Conan Doyle was capable of making both Wattson and Holmes interesting characthers with short but important introductions.

The mistery in A Study in Scarlet is very interesting principaly because Sherlock witholds information till nearly the last moment wich means we get a Conan Doyle typical interlude in wich the reason for the killing is exposed in a very masterfull way. By showing the killers and victims joined past.

Finally after aprehending the suspect, prompted by Wattson and the police officers ,Sherlock explain's his reasoning, also there's what I believe to be a small hint of Moriarty here. for the killer tells he learned about poisons from a Professor. To conclude, the mistery is great but what really puts it apart from others are the, eccentric Holmes, and Wattson the great narrator, both very interesting characters with a conflicted partner and friendship.

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